Sunflower, 2021

Just as sunflowers turn toward the sun, in the last days of summer we turn to the sun for that last bit of warmth and growth before the breeze gets too cold. This is a powerful time to fully ripen and transform, using the last of summer’s bountiful energy. What better way to channel that energy than into making a handmade poster and enjoying a bike ride through sunflower fields?!


ARTCRANK is a pop-up art show and online shop that celebrates bicycles and the people who ride them through poster art. It started with a single show in Minneapolis in 2007 and has gone on to host events across the U.S. and overseas in the U.K. and Paris.

In 2021, I hand-pulled a screenprint poster celebrating late summer bike rides and was inspired by Glen Campbell’s cover of “Sunflower”


Lisa Gary Album Cover


Lost Again — Unicorn Art Show, 2022